Monday, November 28, 2016

Getting Somewhere...Where I Am

I believe I wrote this post sometime between January and March...not sure why I never published it!

I had a realization the other day.  First and foremost, I want to say that I am grateful for everything I have.  It takes work to not take things for granted because the reality is that the world often sucks you in to believing some untrue things..."it won't happen to me" kinds of things.  There's always time or another day for things.  So I was feeling two-fold the other day, frustrated with some things in life and grateful for what I had.  My frustration was born out of having a sense that there is something more that I may be being called to.  I've been feeling that way for at least a year and a half now.  While going through the daily in and out of a teaching job that feels vastly different than it did when I first started and feeling the continued tug of needs of a family that I dearly love, along with a plethora of other things vying for time; I constantly question if I am on the right path.

So my realization was that maybe I could be getting somewhere right where I am. Here I am on this current path , and as I wait for what God has in store next (not knowing how far out it may be), what will I do to make sure things are as they should be in the here and now?  If I was truly holding onto what I learned two years ago...I would be able to be a lot more content right where I am.  I need to allow God to prepare me in the here and now for whatever may be around the corner.